Sunday, April 22, 2007
I have moved the homepage to - for all subscribers, the podcast feed will continue to work and you will not have to change anything other than note that the link will no longer be updated.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
#112 - SQPN and Unum Sanctum

The Choir's My Space page with the song "Mercy Will Prevail".
Boniface VIII's Unum Sanctum
Vatican II's Lumen Gentium
Song - "Speak" by Brian St. Andre
Picture - The French soldier Colonna striking Pope Boniface VIII
Send e-mail questions and comments to catholicunderthehood [at] or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to this episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, April 15, 2007
#111 - A problematic pope

Boniface VIII
Jubilee of 1300
Jacapone da Todi
Follow Fr. Seraphim on Twitter
"One Day" by Dafni from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen, click on the link below.

Sunday, April 08, 2007
#110 - Happy Easter!

Fr. Seraphim's Twitter Page
Christ is Risen in 250 languages
Divine Mercy Podcast - Hear my comments on the Trisagion prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet
Music - Alleluia by Amy Ayres from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, just click on the link below:

Sunday, April 01, 2007
#109 - Holy Fools

Fr. Seraphim's Twitter page
The SaintCast
Image: "The Soul of the People" by Mikhail Nestorov
A full display of the painting can be found here.
A description of the painting can be found here.
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, March 25, 2007
#108 - Sola lingua bona....

There are some examples of the Tridentine Mass [Mass of Pius V] at YouTube
See the words and responses both in Latin and English for a Tridentine Mass
The Te Deum
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice comments at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to this episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, March 18, 2007
#107 - Sacramentum Caritatis

Sacramentum Caritatis
"Put A Little Love" by Beatrice Ericsson from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to this episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, March 11, 2007
#106 - Big Mo

Life of Maurice Stokes
The SaintCast
"Stronger" by Heather Sullivan from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, March 04, 2007
#105 - Praying for the Dead

Healthy Catholic
Atlanta Eucharistic Congress
(Ascribed to St. John Chrysostom)
God, You alone of all spiritual and material beings destroyed death, broke Satan’s power and granted life to the whole world; Lord, we now pray that you will also grant rest to the soul of Your departed servant N. May they have a light-filled dwelling full of freshness and peace where pain, sorrow, and sadness are no more. You are a gracious God who loves humanity, and since there is none alive who has not sinned, we ask You to forgive him/her every sin committed by him/her in thought, word, or deed. You alone are sinless, Your justice lasts forever, and Your word is always truthful.
For You are the resurrection, the life and the peace of Your departed servant N., O Christ our God, and we glorify You, with Your Eternal Father, and Your most Holy, gracious, and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
Picture - "Cemetery Angels 3" by Linda McNally from from stock.xchng
Send e-mail questions and comments to You can also comment via voicemail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, February 25, 2007
#104 - Conscience Revisited

Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian
Examination of Conscience for Adults
Examination of Conscience for Children
Song - "Sorry" by Adrina Thorpe from Podsafe Music
Picture - "Contemplating Life" by Jere Kibler
Send questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, just click on the link below:

Sunday, February 18, 2007
#103 - Lenten Capybara

Theosis [My Lent and Easter meditations from last year]
"Take It All Away" by Buddahead from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to or leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354.
To listen to the episode, click on the link below:

Sunday, February 11, 2007
#102 - Right and Wrong

Links: - Catholic blogs
Catholic Wiki page
The SaintCast
The Secrets of Harry Potter - I'm on the Valentine's Day episode
Theosis - the Lenten/Easter podcast I did last year
Image - "On the Tree" by CWMGary
Music - "Drive" by Rotoscope from Podsafe Music
Send e-mail questions and comments to You can also leave voice mail at 1 740 936 4354
Click on the link below to listen:

Sunday, February 04, 2007
#101 - Super Bowl Sunday

Music for this episode:
Altarmotive "What we have inside us" from Podsafe Music
To send questions or comments, e-mail to or voice mail at 1 740 936 4354

Monday, January 29, 2007
#100 - The Aim of the Christian Life

Conversation between St. Seraphim of Sarov and N. A. Motovilov
Podcasts mentioned:
Christus Vincit Anywhere
The Secrets of Harry Potter
Kazoo Rock by Smallfish from Podsafe Music
Send questions and comments via e-mail to or via voicemail at 1 740 936 4354
To listen to the episode, click on the link below: